The nation of Israel was a strategic trade location. Check out what they traded and how trading shaped the culture of the Ancient Near East.
Trade and Travel
When people travel and interact with each other, societies change. Find out how biblical society changed through trade and travel.
Trading with the Outside World
The Israelites constantly interacted with foreign nations. This article identifies Israel’s trade partners and examines the items they commonly traded.
Translating The Bible
Since the Bible wasn’t written in Spanish, English, Mandarin or any other modern language, it had to be translated for us to read. Read this article to find out why translation was necessary.
Travel Over Land
In biblical times, feet were very useful – most travel was done by foot. Find out what it was like to travel over land in biblical times.
Tree of Life
Use this activity to remind your family of the life that Jesus brought on the first Easter.
What is truth? What is the significance of Jesus’ claim to be the truth? Read more to find out.
Acts contains the account of early Christians sharing their possessions and living in community. The fourth principle of Kwanzaa, cooperative economics, contains a similar message.
Ujima refers to collective work and responsibility. Use this tool to reflect on the role of collective responsibility within the body of Christ.