The Gospels and Acts
The four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) present various accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Acts gives a detailed report of what happened to some of Jesus’ early followers as they carried the message about Jesus from Jerusalem to the other areas of the Roman Empire.
The Hebrew Scriptures and the Old Testament
The Hebrew Scriptures are the oldest section of the Bible. Find out how these Scriptures were collected and the genres that each book belongs to.
The History & Development of Archaeology
Archaeological finds have helped scholars understand the world in biblical times. Learn about how archaeology came about and why it is important to biblical scholarship.
The Judges of Israel
Before Israel was ruled by a king, a series of judges controlled Israel. Check out this list of judges and their accomplishments.
The New Testament
The “New Testament” is the second part of the Christian Bible. Its twenty-seven books continue the story of God's people begun in the Old Testament (the Jewish Scriptures).
The New Testament Background
How does the New Testament differ from and build on the Old Testament? Learn more about the language, background and use of the New Testament.
The Old Testament
The “Old Testament” is the name Christians have given to the Jewish Scriptures and the first part of the Christian Bible. When the earliest Christians quoted from “Scripture,” they quoted from the Jewish Scriptures.
The Old Testament in Christian Bibles Chart
Different Christian traditions include different books in the Old Testament. This table offers a comparison of the Old Testament canon used by Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant Christians.
The Paschal Triduum
The Paschal Triduum is a three-day period for Christians to fast and pray over the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
The Pentateuch
The “Pentateuch” is a term used to describe the first five books of the Old Testament (Genesis—Deuteronomy). In the Jewish Scriptures these books are referred to as the Law, or Torah, a Hebrew word that means “guide” or “instruction”.