Salt and Light: Leadership
Paul's instruction to Timothy gives guidance on the qualities required for Godly leadership
Salt and Light: Patience and Perseverance
Jesus' parable of the unjust judge helps us understand perseverance in standing for what is right.
Salt and Light: Respect
The life of Nehemiah offers a case study of the results of treating others with respect.
Salt and Light: Responsibility
Jesus' parable of the talents shows us the consequences of acting responsibly and irresponsibly.
Salt and Light: Skillful Communication
A story from the life of Moses illustrates the role of communication skills in standing for our beliefs.
Salt and Light: Wisdom
Solomon asks for wisdom from God. God's response emphasizes the importance of following his example.
In the time of Jesus, the Samaritans were despised by most Jews for two reasons: (1) many of them were following the lifestyle of the Roman world and ignoring the Law of Moses; (2) the Samaritan religious traditions denied that God was present among his people in Jerusalem and scorned the Jews.
Family feuds are always messy. The Samaritans were related to the Jews, but they had distinct beliefs that separated them from mainstream Judaism.
Samaritans: Then and Now
A negative view of Samaritans is found in many sources. These include the Hebrew scriptures, the New Testament, first century historian Josephus, and rabbinic writings. Learn more about the history of the Samaritans.
Samuel Coloring Sheet
"God called Samuel three times before Samuel knew it was God calling. Count and color each group of three"