Biblical guidance for supporting others in pain or trouble
People in crisis are usually unable to take in “good advice” or to hear sermons. A more helpful response is simply to sit quietly with them. Visit people, pray with them if they are ready, and listen to them to help them get their pain out. Do not argue with them or make light of their experience or their feelings. Offer practical support when possible. When they are ready, offer to read together some passages from the Bible that will remind them of God’s love for them, and help them recognize that they are not alone in their suffering.
Biblical Languages
How many languages were used to write the Bible? Where did these languages come from? Who spoke these languages? This article gives a brief overview of each of the Bible’s major languages.
The concept of birthright played an important role in many Bible stories. Learn more about what the significance of birthright was and how it factored into different Bible stories.
Black History Month
Discover how Black History Month began and use these tools to expand your knowledge of black history.
Blacks in Biblical Antiquity
The Old and New Testament include numerous references to African individuals. Learn more about this legacy.
Blessed (Happy)
What is true blessing and happiness? Is it fame and fortune, a lucrative job or a healthy family? Or is it a life lived in obedience to God? Check out what the Bible has to say.
Blessings Coloring Sheet
A blessing is a gift that God has given us. What blessings can you think of? Include them in a prayer of thanks to God
In the ancient world, blood was a symbol of life and sacrifice. Consequently, it played an important role in the Old Testament sacrificial system.
Book Reviews: Collected Poems 1943-2004, Richard Wilbur
From children’s poems to Moliere translations, this collection contains over 60 years worth of work by Wilbur, a World War II veteran and two-time Pulitzer Prize winning author.
Book Reviews: Paul: In Fresh Perspective, N. T. Wright
Paul wrote more books than any other New Testament writer, but often his thoughts can be complex and difficult to understand. In this book, Wright helps readers see the bigger picture of Paul’s themes and messages.