With Thankful Hearts We Await the Lord’s Coming Again

Audience: Adult Format: Web

Christ’s second advent will be a time of redemption and judgment. In the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke), Jesus announces signs that will be portents of his return. Jesus predicts the fall of Jerusalem and the Temple, destroyed by the Roman armies in A.D. 70. Despite widespread tribulation, Jesus exhorts his followers to be faithful. In these apocalyptic or future-oriented texts, Jesus assures his followers that they will be saved because of their faithfulness. The apostle Paul, a first-century follower of Jesus, likewise exhorts believers to remain faithful while waiting for Christ to return.

Jesus Describes the Coming of the Son of Man

  • Matthew 24:1-44
  • Mark 13:1-37
  • Luke 17:20-37
  • Luke 21:5-38

The Apostle Paul Describes the Day of the Lord’s Return

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:13—5:3
  • 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

The Apostle Paul Encourages Believers to Remain Faithful

  • Romans 13:11-14
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24

Pause and Reflect

1. In your own words, summarize what Jesus says about the future and when he comes again. How do you react to his words? Are they comforting, or frightening, or both?

2. How does Paul describe Jesus’ return? What does Paul say about how we are to live until that day?

Pause and Pray

Lord Jesus, I await your coming again in glory. I want to live in the light. With a thankful heart, I promise to be faithful by _________________________________________________________.

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