All Saints’ Day
The following resources will help you explore themes related to All Saints' Day. Learn more about God's saints in history, as well as the great crowd of witnesses named in Scripture. Look deeper into the theme of holiness. Find out what Scripture says about eternal life, heaven, and resurrection. If you are walking through your own time of loss, be sure to sign up for a daily Scripture email to bring comfort during grief and sadness.
Saints: Men and Women of Honor
In the New Testament, "saints" often referred to people of faith. Learn more about some these early pillars of the faith, who have encouraged people for centuries.
Righteous, sacred, pure. Holiness encompasses all of these characteristics, and God, who is perfect and set apart from sin, is the ultimate example of holiness.
People of Faith Mentioned in Hebrews 11
Hebrews 11 is often mentioned as the "Faith Hall of Fame," because it contains a list of the faithful throughout the Old Testament. Check out this list of these giants of faith and see where they appear in Scripture.
Eternal Life
What happens after death? Check out how the understanding of life after death unfolds throughout the Old and New Testaments.
What is heaven and where is it mentioned in the Bible? Learn about how God progressively revealed the concept of heaven in Scripture.
Inheriting Eternal Life
The phrase “to inherit eternal life” reflects more than a simple description of a time line. Its deeper meaning hints at a life where one is free of the restraints typical of human existence.